Micro System 4 / 3
It appeared for some time a choice between compact cameras and SLR (DSLR), an intermediate system called 4 / 3 cameras that were basically the same mechanics, the DSLR mirror reflecting the image onto a sensor, a little lower than the sensors DSLR (4 / 3 inch). Still, much larger than those used in compact form but this is allowed smaller cameras have a quality almost equal to the DSLR and the possibility of lens changes.
The most important companies that have committed to developing this system were Panasonic, Kodak and Olympus who began throwing cameras and lenses for this format and from 2009 came to an enhancement called micro 4 / 3: No mirrors and with an LCD screen playing the images but also with the possibility of changing lenses. Appeared then a camera with some intermediate characteristics of compact and DSLR and the other called by some EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) , ie, cameras that have a viewfinder, with the possibility of changing lenses, leading to a terrible pun in English. ..
Another acronym used for these cameras is the MIL (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens) , interchangeable lenses without a mirror and is much better than English call them evil camera. Cameras evil Micro 4 / 3 still has little selling and advertising but it is certainly an interesting alternative for intermediate users like me and many readers of this blog. In a while will be the best option for those who want excellent quality without having to carry huge cameras and still use different lenses depending on need.
At the end of last year, came onto the Samsung with their NX10 and Panasonic who is closest to the general public with its G-series due to the great attraction of being able to count on the excellent optics of the Leica lenses. We'll see going forward that the giant Canon, Nikon and Sony will do regarding this new niche of digital photography.
There are very few texts in Portuguese speaking about the Micro System 4 / 3 and has some highly technical language. The intent of the blog is the most uncomplicated and avoid too much technical language but in this case was quite complicated to do this. I hope it was easy to understand and perhaps there are flaws just comment!